Monday, March 12, 2012

W is for Weather

Had fun creating a batch of weather themed mat activities over the weekend.  I'll share them for those interested.  The link is at the end of the blog post.  We won't do these all at once as it's a bit much.  I'll spread them over two or three days.  I do want to apologize for not really being that great of a photographer.  The pictures aren't that best...I haven't figured out what to do yet with the combination of our new choice of lightbulbs and my digital camera.  Can't find any setting that actually works without me fiddling around and it taking so much time and still not getting a decent quality picture.  And so I try to use natural light because the flash always whitens the picture or reflects but then without the flash, ALL pictures are blurry no matter what setting I have it on.  Any suggestions?  I think I might put some photography learning for a summer goal.  :-)

Rainbows- more/less/equal
Use dry erase or washable markers to write the correct sign.  Provide manipulatives and/or a number line as needed.  A simple number line pattern to 30 is available in the file.

Partly Sunny- Number to Word Match
Encourage the child to put the suns in numerical order.  Then have them read the number words on the clouds and place to cover the sun partially.  0-10.

I'll slip this one in now but it's not in the pack as it was easier to just create with a circle cutter and scrap paper vs. in a program on the computer.  But you may wish to use make something similar.  We'll be creating a small booklet that K. can take home.

Snowy-Addition and Subtraction
Extra materials needed: Snowflake manipulatives such as play-doh, white beans, mini pom poms, etc.    I intend to have them separate the addition and subtraction clouds.  K. still gets confused about which is which.  I'll also include a number line so that she can review that subtraction goes backward and addition goes forward.

Stormy- Measurement and Seriation
I created the pictures so they are wholes and halves of an if you wish to use a more formal route to measurement (my preschoolers have always LOVED rulers...makes them feel important and "smart") then remove the halves and allow them to measure the wholes.   I added magnet to the back of ours this time.

Umbrella Puzzles
This activity is to work with recognizing numerals represented in different ways.  I wanted to include TouchMath so on the numeral I drew the TouchPoints.  The tops of the umbrella are cut into three parts (each with a different cut to allow for self correction), the number represented with dice, tally marks, and ten frame.  The basic pattern for these umbrellas are in the pdf. file.  I chose to just draw in the dots and tally marks as it was just so much simpler.  I strongly recommend you add magnet strips to the back and work at a magnetic surface to help the puzzle pieces stay in place.  It's frusterating to put the pieces together and then accidently bump them.  :-)  Sticky tak would work in a pinch but velcro is not recommended as the pieces are too small and would bend as the children are removing them from the mat (personal experience speaking).

Tornado- Number Order
Sets of three numbers to dump out of their tornado and put in order.  I did explore with stapling the pockets along the side but I went back to Scotch tape. Works a lot better.

This is the perfect time to do a weather theme here in MI.  :-)  We can see every single type of weather in a week (actually, multiple in a day!).  Yesterday was SO SO SO nice!  Kids spent 5 hours straight outside with no coat.  First day in the sandbox, first day with picnic-y foods (grilled hamburgers and potato chips!), first family walk/bike ride, first day with windows wide open (and yep, we turned off the heater and forgot to turn it back on last night.  Oops!  Just a bit chilly in here this morning.)  Today, it's about 40 and quite a downpour going on.  Suppose to rain all day today, sunny tomorrow, and more rain on Wed.  Perhaps it'll turn into snow.  Definitely a possibility!  LOL

Hope you find something helpful for your child or students!  Please remember that these are for personal use only.  Please link back to the blog vs. the actual pdf. file.  If you do download and use any part of these with your students it would be great for you to comment and let us know how you used them.  Thanks!

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